Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Last minute post, to be inproved

In the first quote by John Dewey, he talks about how we all live in communities and that these communities and that the beliefs and standard that we have are not passed around like a thing. Be the are held in our communications. I think that this semester has helped me realize a few things and one hug moment of realization for me was when I learned that it is not a bunch of rude men in Hollywood that objectify women on purpose but that the community hold these ideas of what is right in how to treat women. The things men, and women, say to each other allow us to justify what we think and how we act. I could go on for so long but that third part that I want to say about this quote, that is, what is the practical implications. I believe it means that we must watch carefully what we say, and all the time. My Grampa used to say that if you always tell the true then you never have to remember what you said. You see, if you line you need to know who knows what. They only way this works, however, is if you tell the truth all the time. I feel that this is much like what we must do to ensure positive values. If we want, for example, women to be treated better, then we must always talk about them in a positive light. All our conversations will promote this belief and feeling that will be passed on.
The second quote is also by John Dewey and talks about how
What is the author expressing
Second how this relates to our learning this semester

Last what are the practical implications of this philosophy of education

Also story for change is now here!

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