Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Enemy Bibliography: For Real

Movies have been teaching us how to treat our enemies from the beginning, and perhaps surprisingly children movies are the most violent of them all, but parents can decide for themselves and assist their children in which movies to watch and discuss in order to have a positive cinema experience and to treat our enemies better in real life.
Is it possible to forge and even love to our enemies? This was difficult to question, and what do movies have to tell us about it. Every time I would go to the web it would bring up pages of Bible references. We are all familiar with the scripture to do good to those who hate you, but I needed more than this. But is this what we are doing, in real life or in fiction? Enough of that and on to what I did find after I sorted through many of these Bible references. When I did the searches I tried to search in a non -bias way. That is I did not search for kill our enemies, or befriend our enemies, at least not at first. I searched for how to treat our enemies or how to deal with our enemies and so on. This lead to some very interesting sources for example there is Howtowiki where I was able to find a step by step directions on what to do with your enemies at school. The most interesting part about this is that they tell you to stay positive, walk away, show respect, all things that I was hoping it would until the final step which was to never serve your enemy because they may not deserve that. The interesting thing is that this article is written by a few different authors and I think that is why it has this contradictory message. However, I want to look at this idea and think about how some people would have us give our enemies what they deserve while others would have us respect them and even love them and there are others who actually would have us kill them. Which of these people are making movies, well they all are and that is where we come in. In the article by Faith she ends by saying that we can teach our children to discuss what happens on the screen since there are so many different ideas about how to resolve a conflict. We should as she puts it be media literate, that we should both read and write as it were, or perhaps more easily understood we should view and discuss.
 The website is for young women and possible young men too. I was also able to find some very meaningful quotes from Abraham Lincoln as well as a speech given by Martin Luther King Jr. These resources are very helpful but there is still the hard question, what is the media telling us about our enemies.
One resource that I am really grateful for is my friend Josh Drean. A few years ago he started speaking at elementary schools, high school, offices, and any other place about bulling He teaches kids how to deal with bullies as well as not to bully others. I did not want to have my topic become about bullying but then I quickly realized that bullies are enemies almost in perfect similitude. I was able to go down to Salem Elementary School and see Josh give his presentation live. At first I was afraid I had made a mistake, just because it was a lot of fun and getting the kids involved, but then once he had the children paying attention he said something that was possible the most important to my project. He said that there are not such things as bullies but just people who make mistakes. If I can investigate the idea that there are not enemies, only people who make bad decisions, than really I can reinforce my idea that we should be forgiving and even loving to our enemies.
Another source that I found actually came back to me. There is a childhood book of mine call Bully Trouble. My mom read this to me when I was a young boy and, while checking out another book for another class, saw this book on the counter. This is for children and has a very clear message about bulling and what we should do to them, only the message is not what you might think. The message says that we should stand up to our bullies and that we should do it by bullying them back. The other book by Caseley is another way to deal with bullies in a more positive way. I explain this in the bibliography but this book is about befriending them.
Once interesting problem I had was I found one article, or at least the title of it, but I cannot seem to find the text for the article. Apparently, according to the BYU Library website, Michael Jackson wrote an article about how to deal with your enemies in cyberspace. I am dying to get my hands on this but have not been able to yet.
            The video that I found was very interesting about conflict resolution. It talks in there about how if we understand better a conflict the better we can resolve it. If we know what our enemies want and we even help them to find a different solution then we may even have a win, win situation.
            There is still so much to discuss that must take place in the discussion.

Annotated Bibliography
Caseley, Judith. Bully. Hong Kong: South China Printing Company, 2001. Print.
This book shows an alternative to the book Bully Trouble. In this book Jack and Mickey start out as friends. Later when Jack starts loosing attention to his new born sister he begins to be filled with strong emotions. At this time he steps on Mickey’s hand because Mickey points out that his mom is not watching when Jack tries to show his mom what he can do on the play ground. Already we realize that this book makes the bully a real person with a motivation. Then Mickey calls Jack a rat and after that Jack starts to bully Mickey. In this book Mickey asks his parents what he should do. Like Bully trouble his father encourages him to be bold, but not to bully back but to simply say “I don’t like that.” His mother first talks about how Jack is going through a difficult time, and then says “have you ever heard the saying love thine enemy?” Mother explains to Mickey that he could try being nice to Jack. It sounds hard and Mickey does not know how to do this. He first gives Jack cookies, which shuts Jack up. Then the real moment comes. In class Jack comes and has braces. All the other kids make fun of Jack, but not Mickey he stands up for him. Because of this Jack is nice to Mickey and even invites him over to play. This story may not be totally realistic but it gives us a more heartfelt story than Bully Trouble.
Cole, Joanna. Bully Trouble.  New York: Random House, 1989. Print.
This is a children’s book that I remember reading as a child. It is for kids and explains the story of two boys who have a common bully that will not leave them alone. So, to get rid of him for good they become bullies themselves. He trips them and does all kinds of mean things to them. So the sabotage their own lunch so that when he steals it he is in for a shock. At the end, even older kids begin to laugh at him along with the two newest bullies. At least he won’t bother you anymore is the final response from the bigger kid. The kids consider themselves awesome for putting this bully in his place.
“Conflict resolution.” Films Media Group. NY, New York. 2006. Online. This movie begins by explaining that individuals, small groups of people, or even nations could be in conflict with each other. There are interview that attempt to explain best answers to specific situations. They talk about one situation where there were people who wanted to make a dump and others that did not. The video mentions that some wanted to have a win, win. I really like this idea and I wonder if we try hard enough to think and understand the whole situation if there is a way to do this “win, win.” They talk about non violent way to approach this dump situation and the host talks about this a good example of a people who actually took time to think of what they were doing and they thought of solutions for their so called enemies so that this could be a win, win. The host tells of the dump story and says that this does end up being a win, win. This video goes on to address more serious subjects, like racism and war. I found this source as I searched in the BYU library website.
Coyne, Sarah. “Indirect Aggression in Animated Disney Films.” Journal of Communication 58. 2 (2008) 382-395 pag. Web. 1 Nov. 2013. As soon as I started to read this I knew that I needed it because it was saying exactly what I wanted to find. In the abstract the very first line is “Children’s cartoons have been documented to be some of the most violent TV programs currently on the air, showing nearly 3 times the amount of violence per hour as nonchildren’s programming.” The article is smart to realize that physical violence is not the only way to treat someone you are fighting against. They mention that gossip, social exclusion, and insults are also forms of what they call indirect aggression.
Boller, Paul. Essays on the Presidents: Principles and Politics. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 2012. Print. There is a section for Abraham Lincoln where quotes are listed under sub headers. Underneath the subheading enemies there is the quote I wanted. “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” In this same book there is perhaps a quote that can be used as well. Under the subheading of God’s Purpose Lincoln says, “The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may and one be wrong. God cannot be for and against, the same thing at the same time. In the present civil war, it is quite possible that God’s purpose is something different from the purpose of either party.” Abraham Lincoln was president in the 1860s making this a historical reference even though the book is printed last year. I found these quotes in many other books but decided to list this book. For the president that had to deal with a war within his nation Abraham knows well how to treat his enemies. He knew that both the North and the South were parts of his nation.
Bully. Dir Lee Hirsch. Bully Project, 2011. DVD.
This is a documentary on peer-to-peer bullying in schools across America. The cover of the move is the word bully in a circle slash for much like the no smoking sign. Also, the cover says “It’s Time to take a stand.”
Drean, Josh. “Take the Mask Off: A Lesson on Perspective.” Salem Junior High ,Salem, UT. 27 September 2013. Keynote Address. My friend actually does public speaking at elementary schools about bullies and enemies. He talks about how to handle them and what kind of attitude you should have about it. This is not just a hobby it is his profession and I have been meaning to see him do one of these for a while. I want to see what children are encouraged to do and how to do it. He Said in his lector on (date) “I strongly believe that there are no bullies, no one person who we can place that label. There are no bullies, just people who make mistakes.” He talked earlier about how he had both been bullied and bullied other people not even on purpose.
Faith, McLellan. “Do violent movies make violent children?” The Lancet 359.9305 (2002): 502 pag. Web. 1 Nov. 2013. I was actually hoping for some reason that the answer would be no, purhaps I need some positive outlook but in the very opening of this paragaph the article states “Does exposure to violence-from television, the internet, and games screens-make children violent? Robert DurRant certainly thinks so. And he isn’t alone.” Near the end of the article there are some things that I really want to use. Faith says “children [should] not only critique programmes but also participate in making them, with the goal of turning them into “critical media consumers.”” This is a very cool idea and is how I think that we can solve this. I honestly don’t think Hollywood should be in charge of what we see and what we show our children, we can make our own decisions about media.
“How to Deal With Enemies.” WikiHow to do anything. Josh W. and other authors, n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.  This is a somewhat helpful website directed to teenagers on how to deal with enemies mostly by protecting yourself. It divides what you need to do into steps that you can follow. The steps focus on how you feel and your safety and not necessarily the enemies, which does not seem that unnatural. Some of the steps include walking away and ignoring them, surrounding yourself with friends, and even show them the same kind of respect that you show your friends. These steps include a short readable explanation and a picture. http://www.wikihow.com/Deal-With-Enemies. Here are the steps. The first step is “If you don’t know why they hate you, ask them calmly and nicely. But don’t approach [them], if you know what they are capable of . . . Some people can be given second chances to realize that you aren’t really a bad person and they have nothing to hate you for” (italics added). The second step is to ignore whatever they say. This step explains that the reason they insult you may be because they are jealous. It wisely says not to give a reaction because they want a reaction.  It also says that we should walk away from them. “Don’t look at them or talk to them; just walk away. After a few times of you doing this they will probably get bored and stop picking on you.” The third step is two “Surround yourself with friends and people who like you for who you are.” You will gain confidences from these people and that “it does not matter what haters say as long as you have good friends by your side.” Step four is to what to do if they start being violent. If they do become violent or ignoring does not work “tell them that their behavior is upsetting you and tell them that they have no reason for it.” It says that if they still continue to horrs you that you will “have to learn to stop being upset by their comments and realize that whatever they say is probably a lie.” Step five is seriously awesome, it is that if you know why they hate you “be mature and apologize if it was your fault.” It goes on to say that rather than hoping the problem is forgotten “seriously” apologize to them. Step six really ties in with points that I want to make, it is that we should “show them respect as you show to your friends.” This is awesome, and helps me to say the point I want which is that we can befriend or at least respect like a friend our enemies. It goes on to say that “when they need help, help them.” When you help someone, according to the article this will show them that “you are friendly and kind. Give them compliments and try not to sound hurtful, don’t judge them if they say bad stuff back.” The article is realistic and realizes that we might lose our patients while trying this, the article suggests that we should talk to our friends at that point or take a deep breath and try again. No matter what happens they want you to stay in control. If this does not work leave the situation “instead of loosing you mind trying to settle thing.” Step seven is does not seem to fit with the other parts of the article. Because this article has other authors the tone of the article changes. Step seven is you are a fool if you are kind to them. The steps says “by helping anyone, especially enemies, you may be giving something to someone who doesn’t “deserve” it.” Then it says to forget it and wait because “they will get exactly what they deserve.” Now all of the sudden the article seems to support the idea of giving our enemies what they deserve.
King Jr. Martin Luther. “Loving Your Enemies.” Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Montgomery, AL. 17 November 1957. Keynote Address. In this speech he says, “Now there is a final reason I think that Jesus says, "Love your enemies." It is this: that love has within it a redemptive power. And there is a power there that eventually transforms individuals. Just keep being friendly to that person. Just keep loving them, and they can’t stand it too long. Oh, they react in many ways in the beginning. They react with guilt feelings, and sometimes they’ll hate you a little more at that transition period, but just keep loving them. And by the power of your love they will break down under the load. That’s love, you see. It is redemptive, and this is why Jesus says love. There’s something about love that builds up and is creative. There is something about hate that tears down and is destructive. So love your enemies.” Martin Luther King Jr. always had a way with his speeches and this is a very helpful one.
Lewis, C.S. An Experiment in Criticism. Madrid: Cambridge University Press, 1961. Print.
This book will reveal a lot about how we should treat others and their works or art, those that we may otherwise be critical of. The main idea of this is to understand books by how they are read and not how they are written. I think this can help in understanding what our enemies write and publish. One quote from the book is “The true reader reads every work seriously in the sense that he reads it whole-heartedly, makes himself as receptive as he can.” I think that this is a way we can approach people in our life. “The first demand any work of art makes upon us is surrender. Look. Listen. Receive. Get yourself out of the way. (There is no good asking first whether the work before you deserves such a surrender, for until you have surrendered you cannot possibly find out.)” Here we see that we must not worry about if we like a person deserves to be listen to we just listen.
Muhammad. Quran. 632. Print.
Sacred text. I think that this should have a very radical and interesting idea about infidels. Many people believe in this book and follow its principles and that has a lot to say about their culture and understanding of enemies. 89. “They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level [with them]. So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back [to enmity] then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them,”
Robins, Mack. The Movie List. 2012. List / Database.
Ever since 2010 I have started to make a list of ever movie I have ever seen. As this project of enemies has begun I began to add to the list what happens to the enemies in the movie. This list will have the potential to be a large part of my project. It will reveal a small sample, about 700 movies, and what happens to the villain in this.

The A-Team. Dir. Joe Carnahan. Perf. Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Sharlto Copley. Twentieth Century Film Corporation, 2010. Film. I have where these quotes really come from but I cannot lie about where I got these in the frist place. It is imortant, even though this is just a movie, to list this because this is an example in and of itself that shows us what to do with our enemies.Gandhi was always a peaceful man and I hoped that I will be able to find useful quotes from him. I then remembered the The A-Team where there was a quote from him that was expected. “Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.” Which comes from ‘Satyagraha Leaflet No. 13,’ May 3, 1919. And a quote from him that was real not expected. “It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.” which comes from Gandhi on non-violence, Print, New York New York New Direction publishing corporation. page 51.

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